Upcoming events:
Refresh Your Olive Oil Tasting Skills
February 14, 2020, 830am-1pm, at the Santa Rosa Junior College Shone Farm. Tickets and more information here: https://tinyurl.com/OliveOilRefresh
Crops: Olives, Hops, Cider apples, berries, vegetables
Land feasability evaluation
Fertilizing, nutrient management, organic and conventional
Irrigation, salt management
Insect pests, organic and conventional
Plant Diseases, organic and conventional
Orchard Management: pruning, tree spacing, cover crop management, alternate bearing
In the Mill
Olive oil mill design
Processing techniques: fruit handling, transport, washing, cooling
Crushing, paste fineness
Malaxation, timing and temperature
Vertical centrifuge
Storage and filtering
At the Table
Sensory short course presentation
Oil evaluation, oil blending
Competition judging